• Question: do you work together, do you compete against each other or do you have nothing to do with each other? if you compete, what do you compete about?

    Asked by lewis hamilton to Agata, Chris, John, Kirstin, Michael on 22 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by icantthinkofaname.
    • Photo: Chris Hackett

      Chris Hackett answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      I do not think any of the engineers on this website work together, and a few of them work at universities where I imagine there isn’t much of a competitive atmosphere. I haven’t ever felt too much competition to other engineers at other companies but that is because I work on science mission where profit is not a goal of the project.

    • Photo: John Allport

      John Allport answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      None of the five of us work together, and we are not really competing. The main reason we are doing this is a shared objective to encourage more young people to understand more about engineering and to maybe take it up as a career
